Welcome to the Comprehensive Plan webpage!

The City of Bridgeport recently began the process of updating the 2019 Comprehensive Plan.  The Comprehensive Plan serves as the long-range planning document guiding the future growth and development of the City and is required by the West Virginia State Code to be updated every five years.  The State Code establishes the scope and content requirements for comprehensive plans; requiring that they consider population, utilities, public services, transportation, environment, land uses, and related growth factors as the plan is developed.  Comprehensive plans include a statement of goals and objectives for the city’s future growth and an action plan and timeline on how to achieve the goals and objectives.

City of Bridgeport Website

Planning Process

The City’s Comprehensive Plan update will be prepared over a 16-month timeframe that began in late July 2024. The process will be guided by a Comprehensive Plan Committee (CPC) and include background research, stakeholder interviews, committee meetings, public involvement, and related steps prior to developing the draft plan. As the project is ongoing, information related to the plan and opportunities to get involved will be shared on this webpage.

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Get Involved

A set of community drop-in meetings were held at the Citynet Center on September 30 and October 1. Thank you to all who stopped by! Additional thanks to the many residents who participated in the online community survey, which was availble throughout the month of October. Following this first round of public input meetings and community survey, the draft plan will be developed. A second round of public meetings will be held during late spring / early summer 2025. Additionally, residents will have an opportunity to provide input at public meetings held by the Planning Commission and the City Council as the plan goes through the adoption process.